ONE: Thoughts On Design
Is this a website devoted to knitting designs?
However, ever since I was young I remember liking houses. I grew up exclusively in suburban houses.
We lived many other places, as we moved around the country. But there were so many similarities to the houses.
One time my mother and I went to see new houses on an Open House day, much as happened in the movie Ladybird. My reaction was one of amazement: Look at the huge master suites, with bathrooms one can actually move around in. Look at the huge kitchens, with all sorts of cabinets and new appliances. These houses were huge compared to any houses where we lived. I didn't actually want those other houses, but it was interesting to me.
So I missed my chance to become an architect. Luckily Leif had experience actually building houses. He designed and built our first house in Maryland while Amaran was a baby. I don't remember having much input on the design; I didn't feel I needed to add anything. Leif's design was perfect. He accounted for a Big Room, a Book Room, two perfect bedrooms and a bathroom between, and the most beautiful staircase I'd ever seen. Did we think we'd only have one baby? This house will always be loved by me, as both Jirina and Levin were actually born in the house.
Here are pictures of that house after we added an addition (both in the form of a building and a person, Levin).
By the time we moved to New York to attend the Waldorf school, I had chemical sensitivities and we knew we would have to have another house built (as opposed to buying a house), with more consciousness about materials. While we rented the Red Beetle Car house and looked for land, I asked Leif to draw a basic house plan. I would draw the blueprints of the plan this time. He drew a sketch that expressed this idea from Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward in the same direction."
The design highlights four bedrooms on the top floor that face south.
I LOVE our house in New York. It is so unique and perfect for us. When it was first built, people would react two ways. If they didn't like it, they would just say nothing. If they loved it, they would say that and hope to come for a tour. I'm not afraid of other people's responses. We built the house for our family. It is filled with all sorts of wonderful memories.